
Flamagas, a company founded in Barcelona in 1959. It belongs to EXEA Corporation (Puig group). Flamagas plays an intense and dynamic activity both in the industrial and in the commercial area. Besides producing and distributing its own products and worldwide brands, it commercializes products of leading multinationals on the spanish and portuguese market. The company employes with more than 1.400 collaborators worldwide.

Headquarter is located in Barcelona (Spain). Flamagas S.A. has its own factories in Barcelona (Spain), Chennai (India) and Shanghai (PRC). Distributes their lighters in more than 70 countries with exclusive distributors and own subsidiaries in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, China and India.

In all its business areas, either as manufacturer or distributor, all the brands represented by Flamagas benefit from a worldwide reputation and offer top quality products leading brands with a great tradition in the market and fidelity among its customers.


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